Metal Sheeting


Research has found that most wind damage associated with translucent roof sheets is as a result of sheets being pulled over the fastenings.

This is normally related to the following aspects of the installation:

  • Purlin or grit spacing
  • Diameter of fastening washer
  • Frequency and accuracy of fastening

For side cladding with all profiles, the maximum grit spacing should be 1 500mm.

Fixing Details

Roof pitch <10°
All Tronplastics sheets are to be fastened to support through each crown of the profile (primary fixings), and side stitched to the adjacent sheets which must not exceed 400mm (secondary fixing).

Roof pitch >10°
All Tronplastics sheets can be fastened to supports in the trough of the profile (primary fixing), and side stitched to adjacent sheet not exceeding 500mm (secondary fixing).

Primary fixings
All primary fixings to be used in conjunction with a metal washer with a suitable sealing ring or soft washer under. The diameter of the washer to be a minimum of 20mm to 30mm. It is advisable to apply a bead of silicone under the washer to prevent possible leaks at fixing points.

IBR Galvanized

IBR Chromadek

Corrugated sheeting

IBR Galvanized

IBR Chromadek

Corrugated sheeting

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Tronplastics Roofing Sheets are one of our anchor products in this field

Galvanized IBR

Corrugated Sheeting

Chromadek – IBR Corrugated


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Polycarbonate Sheeting is a high quality, virtually indestructible translucent roofing material. One of the most advanced polymers available

Profiled IBR



Industrial 7

Kliplock /  Sunlock

Big 6 Profile

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Flat Sheets are extensively used in applications for the safety and security industries as it boasts outstanding impact resistance

Acrylic Flat Sheeting

Polycarbonate Flat Sheeting

Multiwall Sheeting

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